APR Sets the Standard

With over 30 years of experience and innovation, APR’s research engineers and analysts are recognized worldwide for their expertise in diagnosing and resolving airfield pavement roughness. Additionally, APR is a trusted partner for smoothness acceptance testing and is recognized for its experience and knowledge in this field.

APR delivers expert airfield pavement services, including new pavement acceptance testing, roughness investigations, profile measurements and compliance with FAA AC 5380-9.  All of this reflects APR’s commitment to ensuring your airfield pavement is the best it can be.

Smoothness Acceptance TestingSmoothness Acceptance Testing
Roughness InvestigationRoughness Investigation
Profile MeasurementProfile Measurement
Boeing Bump IndexBoeing Bump Index Analysis

How Can APR Help You Today?

From roughness investigation of existing airfield pavements to new airfield pavement acceptance testing, APR has the technology and experience for your needs.

APR Consultants