Here are the rules...
Welcome to APR's Smoothness Specifications Resource Page. Here, you can access a comprehensive collection of smoothness guidelines and standards issued by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and other relevant regulatory bodies. Whether you are involved in construction, maintenance, or inspection of airfield pavements, this page provides you with essential documents that outline the required criteria, testing methods, and evaluation techniques.
This collection includes the latest FAA publications as well as guidelines from Tri-Services (UFGS) and ICAO, ensuring that you have access to up-to-date and agency-approved information.
Published by the FAA, this contains the standard specifications that relate to materials and methods used for construction on airports. Items covered in this AC include general provisions, earthwork, flexible base courses, rigid base courses, flexible surface courses, rigid pavement, fencing, drainage, turf, and lighting installation.
Please refer to Section P-401 beginning on page number 263 for asphalt pavements and Section P-501 specific for PCC pavements beginning on page number 345.
UFGS Section 32 13 14.13
Issued November 2022
UFGS Section 32 13 14.13, titled "Interlocking Precast Concrete Unit Paving," outlines the requirements for the construction of interlocking concrete pavements. This section includes specifications for materials, installation procedures, and quality control measures to ensure durable and aesthetically pleasing paving. Information specific to smoothness testing can be found in Section 2.1.1.
ICAO's Annex 14
Eighth Edition, July 2018
ICAO Annex 14, "Aerodromes," provides international standards and recommended practices for the design and operation of aerodromes. It covers various aspects such as aerodrome physical characteristics, obstacle limitation surfaces, visual aids, and safety management systems. The document aims to ensure the safe and efficient operation of aerodromes worldwide by establishing uniform guidelines for their design, construction, and maintenance. Smoothness specific information begins on Page 316
FAA AC 150/5380-9
September 9, 2009
Published by the FAA, this Advisory Circular (AC) provides guidelines and procedures for measuring and evaluating runway roughness as identified by surface profile data of rigid and flexible airport pavements. The guidance in this AC provides technical procedures to quantify surface irregularities and to determine how surface irregularities may affect specific categories of airplanes.
Runway Roughness Measurement, Quantification, and Application - The Boeing Method
Publishing Date Unkown
Published by the Boeing Commercial Airplane Group, this document discusses the development and application of the Boeing Method to evaluate runway roughness.

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From roughness investigation of existing airfield pavements to new airfield pavement acceptance testing, APR has the technology and experience for your needs.